Wednesday 28 May 2008

Oh Dear.

Here’s my dilemma.

There’s a guy at work. He is giving off definite vibes of liking me. You know, like that. He is very nice and personable and kind of hot. And at some point – soon – I really should drop into the conversation something about the Man. Like, really soon. And yet whenever we pass each other in the office and he stops and starts talking to me, asking me how I am, etc, I just can’t bring myself to do it. It’s awful! I’m worried that soon he might ask me out and I’ll have to formally tell him, and he’ll be thinking I led him on. Which I have done.

Did I mention how long it’s been since the Man and I were…you know…physically intimate? It almost feels like cheating wouldn’t even be cheating!

I kind of want to leave my job now so I don’t have to deal with this. Either that or leave the Man, so I can pursue a romantic relationship again, butI can’t even begin to think about the pain that would cause both of us.

What do you do when someone you totally fancy starts hitting on you, and you're not free? Why do these things not happen when I'm single?!!


Rosanna said...

SUCH a tough situation, because I sort of feel that the time to gently slip into the conversation 'the man' has quietly passed by, and now it will just be awkward when you DO mention it.

But enough doom and gloom from me, because perhaps he is just as lovely as you describe and will be nothing but understanding?

PS: Agreed - crappy timing!

Sprite said...

It's ok, I loudly told someone else in the office about something 'my partner' had said, so I'm hoping he heard!

I am thinking a lot about moving out, though. I spent all last week feeling so awful about it I felt physically sick. I've decided to do nothing for a while but keep it in mind so I can get used to the idea.