Tuesday 22 April 2008

Pretty Thin?

Lately I’ve been enjoying reading the Sydney Morning Herald with my lunch, in the communal area at work. You can tell this by all the tomato-coloured stains that spatter its pages after 1 pm every afternoon. I have learned many exciting things. On Thursday, as I was shovelling pasta down my throat as fast as I could, I read an article about pro-anorexia websites, and how they’ve been damaging teenagers’ delicate young minds. What a melting-pot of the bizarre the Internet is!

I decided to investigate. (Hoping meanwhile that my employer doesn’t actually that employers’ regulate internet use – it would be so embarrassing to be caught surfing for bulimia tips. I can just imagine them thinking “so that’s why she eats so much”) I discovered an exciting world of pro-anorexia websites (or the jauntier ‘pro-Ana’, as The Kids are calling it these days). I was looking forward to being shocked, appalled and disgusted, and I must say it only partially fulfilled my expectations.

Mostly I was left feeling baffled. The sites included lots of the kind of mad diet tips only teenaged girls will consider - I think we’ve all been there – and many pictures of the skinny actresses, pop singers and models that fill mainstream magazines. But I couldn’t find commentary on the dangerously skinny, or on anorexia to the point of hospitalisation, either for or against, so I have no idea what their opinions are on such extreme self-starvation. Mostly it was just typical young girl babble along the lines of ‘I want to be thinner’ and ‘Oh my God Paris Hilton is so thin and pretty…!”

So, what the hell is ‘pro-ana’, anyway?

This site, which was featured in the Sydney Morning Herald article,
http://www.prettythin.com/proana.htm was obliging enough to have a page actually entitled ‘What is pro-ana?’

This is the first sentence on the page: “Pro-ana was the term used to describe sites that catered to eating disorders (usually anorexia)”.* Now, on its own, I don’t find that terribly enlightening, but that’s about as specific as it got. It then continued:

“…it brought light to the whole movement and the anorexic rights issue, and
others who wanted to reach out for help with no where to turn was now able
to seek out others. Bad in that a sudden wave of people wanted to get
anorexia, and thought that being on the forums would give them the "ana diet."”

The writer talks about enabling people to reach out for help. Does that mean she thinks it’s good that anorexics were able to find help with their eating disorder? In that case she can’t be ‘pro-anorexic’, right? She says it’s bad that people wanted to ‘get anorexia’. On the other hand, she talks about ‘anorexic rights’. What the hell is that? There’s also this on another page:

“Anorexics usually have low self-esteem and sometimes feel they don't deserve to eat. The anorexics usually deny that anything is wrong. Hunger is strongly denied. They usually resist any attempts to help them because the idea of therapy is seen only as a way to force them to eat. Once they admit they have a problem and are willing to seek help, they can be treated effectively through a combination of psychological, nutritional and medical care.”

I don’t see how the Sydney Morning Herald can take offence at this site’s description of anorexia.

On the other hand, other parts of the site are devoted to dozens and dozens of pictures of skinny to dangerously skinny women. There are self-hate lyrics from Radiohead, the kings of dirge, and other emo poetry. The site’s visitors also send in ‘beautiful’ pictures of themselves looking skinny and bony. I imagine they spend hours and hours lying around at home, weak from hunger, studying themselves in the mirror and alternately hating/loving themselves. The narcissism of it all! Some sites talk about ‘haters’- presumably the people who scorn anorexics. But can they really wonder why other people despise them? These girls idolize ‘celebrities’ such as Angelina Jolie, Liz Hurley, Paris Hilton – those vain, greedy**, self-absorbed women who exemplify so much that is wrong in the West today. Take Nicole Richie, a woman whose luminous, inner ugliness is practically visible to the naked eye. This is the kind of woman whose picture they swoon over at Prettythin.com. To me, these super-rich celebrities may look thin, but I think they are obese in spirit. Anyone with such a big carbon footprint is fat in my book.

Now, I’m not trying to say I think it’s good to be overweight, or that an over-abundance of body fat is attractive. I don’t, and I think it’s a great idea to watch what you eat. Let’s think about food for a moment. Where does it come from? What is the relationship between the food we find on the supermarket shelves, and the environment? What impact do the all those cookies, flavoured drinks, instant this and instant that have on our planet? It’s no secret that if everyone had the same eating habits as we in the West do…well, it just couldn’t happen. There wouldn’t be enough land and resources to feed that many greedy mouths.

Food is indeed political, and I respect anyone who eats both healthily and ethically. Why not give up eating cage eggs? Refuse to eat pork and chicken unless they’re free range. Or even give up meat altogether – who knows how much rainforest has been destroyed so we can eat burgers?*** And what about milk? If you really think about it, dairy is a pretty morally disgusting industry. They forcibly impregnate animals over and over, then remove and slaughter their offspring, then do it all over again, just to keep the animals lactating. And as for convenience food…where does all that packaging go once you’ve eaten the contents? The easiest solution I can see is to buy locally grown fruit and vegetables, prepare your own food, eat meat and animal products sparingly and make sure you buy from humane sources.

I believe that anyone who starts to care about all this stuff and eats accordingly will not only be a better person, but will become slimmer too. That’s the kind of diet website I would like to see. I may not follow all or even many of the above suggestions, but if these girls on PrettyThin.com did, I may not want to go to dinner at their house (would there be anything to eat?!) but by God, I’d respect them. They would deserve to be slim, and they would be beautiful. But if you pore over celebrity magazines, obsess over how hot Calista Flockhart is and how she wish you could be like Paris Hilton, gorge yourself on fatty foods then throw up afterwards, you are not beautiful. The whole ‘pro-ana’ thing looks pretty pathetic to me.

But who am I to judge, anyway? The best explanation I can come up with for the puzzling jumble of inconsistencies of the ‘Pretty Thin’ website is that it’s written by and for teenage girls, a group not noted for their common sense or indeed sanity. God knows I did some stupid things myself at that age. (Though I didn’t launch insane websites). Perhaps I – and the Sydney Morning Herald – shouldn’t take it so seriously. It's just a bunch of silly, incoherent little girls.

I should add that I do feel sorry for anorexics and bulimics and I hope anyone suffering from this seeks the help they need. I’m sure they’re not all awful people by any means. I just don’t think anyone should be glamorizing their eating disorders on the internet, or to themselves. An eating disorder is an ugly condition. They need to learn to love themselves, but not the disorder. And let’s not forget, for every teenage girl who martyrs herself to thinness, there is an awkward, overweight and unhappy classmate who is made to feel like even more of a fat cow. It’s pretty difficult to learn to like your budding woman’s body when your skinny peers congratulate each other over every pound lost and act all grossed out over their barely-there hip fat.

I will leave you with this thought from Pretty Thin.Com:

“Over time the media has blown this term way out of proportion and making it out
to be such rediculous ideals as "cults" and that the owners were "recruiting"
others into an anorexic lifestyle. The very notion that the internet will give
you an eating disorder is lewd to begin with.”

Search as I might, I could not find any lewdness. Foiled again!

*Catering to anorexics?? You could go broke doing that!

**though obviously not greedy for food
***I’m sure somebody knows, but I don’t


Anonymous said...

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Sprite said...

Thank you!

m said...

I've seen this pro-ana stuff on some doctor show like House or ER or something - totally weird.

I'm really glad people are starting to think about how their food choices affect the planet, and love that you know about how awful the dairy industry is!! (Most people never think about it)

You know, I actually started a non-funny (but hopefully educational) blog about food and the environment and all that good stuff. You can check it out if you are so inclined:

Great post!

Sprite said...

Sounds interesting. I will.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your post.
I don't think its fair to slam the celebrities, not that i'm proud of this but I am weak for magazines and know that angelina jolie has *issues* what with dying relatives and stuff, so maybe thats why she always looks so scary, and you don't know nicole ritchie personally, so you can't say that she is a horrible person!
but i am totally for loosing weight the right way. I don't buy meat myself, I only eat it if i'm at a friends place or somewhere where everyone is eating together. and all those bullshit ways of loosing weight just dont work. i was trying to loose weight so i looked for pro-ana sites, and must say i loved looking at the pics of the skinny women(it can be very motivating if you are serious about getting slim), but after about 3.5 seconds of reading the tips sections! i slapped myself for wasting my time.
eat good food, not too much of it. excercise. drink water.
it worked for me :)

Anonymous said...

it hink you'll find your 'lewdness' in the fact that the original owner was a 16 yr old girl named jess who handed the site over to a guy we believe she met from the internet when she couldnt run it anymore.

the site is now being run by a 30 yr old man without an eating disorder and with no knowledge of ED's other than 'google' - the descriptions you qouted were posted by him by ripped from another ED site.

the site actually hosts MANY nude/semi nude pics of underage girls, which if you read the discussion forums is a cause for great concern for many of the older members - but a fact which the owner ignores despties members attempts to contact him about it.

To see concerns about the owner by members search for 'Zander' in the forums and im sure threads will come up.

He is profiting from the suffering of these young girls.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would like to just say that although you are right in some aspects, you are wrong in so many others. It's hard to understand how someone with an eating disorder feels when, you presumably, have never had one. It's hard, and sites like 'Pretty Thin' have pro's and con's to them. Many girls, after going there, want emotional support to help them through the day. Many are not ready to recover, and it's very heartbreaking but, they're ill. It's not easy to make someone who is actually sick to just magically "get better". I think your post was articulating what any rational person without a real grasp on having an eating disorder would write. I thank you for not bashing everyone who's sick, and I agree that many pro-ed sites are awful and, it's disturbing to see 9 year old's at in-patient facilities.

Anonymous said...

this article was really intresting. I am actually a member of pretty thin and I am happy you were'nt too harsh. But trust me we dont sit at home dying from hunger everyday we live a bit sometimes. Anyways i just wanna thank u for noticing us.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I could not leave this without having my say. This really angers me. I doubt you'll even let this comment be posted because it doesn't conform to how you want to make eating disorders and the website look. I was completely lost before pretty thin, and yeah I am a member. I used to spend hours crying because I hated how I looked. If I went above even 200 calories it was awful. I had nobody who would understand. Then I found pretty thin and since then I have stopped self harming and have made alot of friends who I know will always be there for emotional support in ways nobody without an ED could be. I found this post particularly offensive because of the way you referred to it's members. I agree glamorising eating disorders is completely unacceptable, and if you had actually bothered to look into it further you would see the members of PT will be the first to shoot somebody down who "wants to become anorexic". We hate it. We understand it's a disease, not a lifestyle and we do everything we can to deter girls from going the same way as us. Yet we will be the first to support someone in need, because we have been there.

I'll back up my point with some quotes from your article. 'It's just a bunch of silly, incoherent little girls.'

Have you any idea how it feels to suffer from an eating disorder?! To wake up everyday and despise what stares you back in the mirror. No. So you cannot categorise us in such a way. PT is full of men and women of all ages, we're there for support more than anything else. You'd do better to look into a website properly before condemning it after a few clicks around.

You say you feel sorry for anorexics and bulimics but you still attack us? Seems pretty contradictory to me. Then again, that's just my view.

Etoile said...

I am a member of PrettyThin, and, though your post was interesting to read, I find that it needed more research. You had said that most are girls that want to be thin, but that's not entirly true. Most who suffer from an ED don't do it to be thin, they do it to gain control over at least one aspect of their life because they feel they have no control. Also, just because the ones you may have seen are young doesn't mean that older people are excluded. Many that I have met on PrettyThin are my age or older, I myself being 22. So how can it be some crazy teen crap if those within their 20's also visit sites like the one you've managed to find? I know it may not seem to be much to someone who hasn't suffered from an ED, but having friends that understand where you're at is very important and without that many of us would be lost to the crulty to those who don't understand. Websites like that help those who feel alone have a family, something everyone needs. With that said, how else are those who suffer from EDs going to feel the love of friendship if those who don't suffer from an ED often condemn them? I understand what you're saying, but you need to try to learn a bit about what it means to be someone who lives with an ED rather then the puffstuff you see in the media.

Anonymous said...

i as well am a member of pretty thin, and it seems you don't quite get the intent of the website, or others like it. it was made to give girls (and boys) suffering from eating disorders an accepting place to inhabit. it is a place where people know what you are going through and can offer comfort and support. the site neither encourages anorexia, nor condemns it. girls who have chosen to recover are praised and encouraged, girls who are restricting their eating have a place to share their feeling without being shunned or judged. of course, prettythin is also home to laods of girls not actually suffering from the mental disorder that is anorexia, just looking to shed some pounds before prom, which is unfortunate considering many of the anorexic users share impractical diet tricks which can lead someone who wouldn't otherwise to diet dangerously, but these are not the people prettythin is intende to cater to.

Anonymous said...

hi. as a teenager i struggled with anorexia, was hospitalized several times, have recently recovered, and i just want to let you know, you do not understand the disease at all. anorexia is a severe mental illness, not something someone decides to have so they can get skinny. its definitely not by choice that we starve ourselves and starve ourselves and starve ourselves until we either die, or are sent to "recovery institutions". no one wants that for themselves. no one at all. sure, prettythin is full of 13 year olds who googled "how to loose 10 pounds" and somehow stumbled upon it, but it is also full of extremely sick girls just looking for a place that they won't be criticized for habits they can't control.

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