Wednesday 9 April 2008

Bike? What bike?!

It turns out The Man has just bought a motorbike.

I knew he was looking to buy one, but the first I heard that he had actually bought one was this morning, while we were chatting at the bus stop. He said, "blah blah blah helmet blah blah Ducatti blaaah blah..." (I'd tuned out for a while, you know what it's like) "...blah blaaaah, and the funny thing is, I ended up buying it from the other guy!"

"Uhh, bought what, Honey?"

(Happily)..."My bike!"

So apparently, he bought himself a motorbike last night and never thought to bring it up in conversation the entire evening that we were together. Though he did send me a text while he was negotiating it. Actually, he sent another woman a text by mistake. What great communication.

So now I'm a biker moll, apparently!


Steph said...

Oh phwwoarrr! Guys who ride bikes are hot!.....Mostly, not those hairy, dirty, bikie gang dudes though.

Sprite said...

Hmm. I will pass on your kind thoughts.