Thursday 3 April 2008

Brain Death By Chocolate

The dear man reached a ridiculously large age on Tuesday. His loving nephew bought him a chocolate cake from David Jones, as I didn't have time to make him one. Though I did provide the magic* candles.

Now, I am such a huge lover of chocolate that it was to be expected that I'd be the one to do the majority of polishing off the cake over the ensuing days. But in this cake, I may have finally met my match! It has a top layer of very, very thick fudgy chocolate. And the chocolate is so incredibly strong I can barely eat it without being overwhelmed. It's like eating cooking chocolate, its cocoa content is so high.

I had my first, post-Man's-birthday slice last night. I tried drowning it in cream, but it was still pretty hard core. With the next slice I'm going to try melting it slightly in the oven before I pour on the cream. Vanilla ice cream may even enter the scenario somewhere.

Perhaps my system will adjust to this new, high-risk level of chocolatiness, my tolerance threshold will rise, and I'll be able to eat it neat. But how I'd love to be able to just melt it down and make it into two cakes. It's like someone concentrated the recipe accidentally.

Time to go home. I think my brain is rotting. Maybe it's the chocolate?

*The flames burn the same colour as the candles. Cool or what!


Rosanna said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE those candles! That cake sounds truly amazing. I think a little piece of me died as I read your description of it.

Sprite said...

I know, I've been saving up those candles since I bought them at Christmas. I couldn't wait to see the look of wonder on everyone's faces! In the end though they didn't take much notice...