Saturday 1 March 2008

Is It Coz I Is Black?

This morning on the bus someone had the most foul loud music playing - they don't call them personal stereos any more and it's probably just as well, as they're not terribly personal when you blast them at a million decibels. It was so loud, you couldn't just hear the tinny sound of the beat, but you could even hear the wailing women's voices too. It was putrid. Such things are never good for one in a delicate morning state. I could feel my cereal shifting ominously in the pit of my stomach.

I had a look around for the likely culprit and settled on the young man who had a seat next to where I was standing. I gave him the evils for a while, hoping he'd look up and go "Oh God, sorry, is my music bothering you? I'll turn it down right away." Because of course, that's likely to happen on public transport in any city.

It turns out it wasn't the man at all, it was the young woman sitting behind him. I know this because the man in front of me, also standing, said to her, disapprovingly, "Is that your stereo?" Then it all got a bit weird. She started ranting "You're just saying that because I'm black!" (She was black, English I think. I think he was English too.) And "Do you say that to all foreigners in this country?!!" and "Why can't I go for a jog in a morning? You are RACIST". He was, of course, perturbed, because none of this made any sense whatsoever, and an argument ensued.

Meanwhile, other bus goers were saying to each other, "I'd like like to congratulate that man!" and "I'm glad someone said something," and gave him kind words when he got off the bus.

It was kind of weird. I was really taken aback by her aggression and that her immediate reaction was to go on about racism and the fact that he was attacking her because she was black. I mean, as if her taste in music wasn't enough. I thought, if I was black I would be blushing to hear her. Especially if I was black person who actually had been a victim of racism. It kind of trivializes their suffering, I think. If her ancestors were slaves, I wonder what they'd think if they could hear their descendant's bratty fit.

Anyway, I had to work really late today and I am exhausted. I am off for a bath and a(nother) glass of wine. Just sooooo tired....

1 comment:

Sprite said...

So would I. But this guy was too nice.