Thursday 7 February 2008

Hair Today, Gone (the day after) Tomorrow

I’m quite excited. On Saturday morning I’m going to get my hair chemically relaxed. Goodbye fuzzy helmet hair, hello floppy mane! I’ve never had the treatment before, so here’s hoping that it works/doesn’t make all my hair break off.

I can’t tell you how depressing it is to spend 10 – 15 minutes every morning drying and straightening it, only to have it return almost to its natural hideous state after ten minutes waiting for the bus. My crowning glory frizzes up like a sheep if a fellow commuter so much as breathes on it. The idea is that this relaxing treatment will not only ensure that my hair, once styled, stays styled, it will also be less unmanageable in the first place. Now as of next Monday, I expect to gain about five minutes each morning from not having to wrestle with the styling.

Just think, five minutes every working day = 25 minutes saved per week. Multiplied by roughly 48 working weeks per year, that’s 20 extra hours per year – available to spend in bed! Alternatively, I could use the saved time to actually get to work on time every morning, but that would mean the equivalent of an extra 2.67 working days per year, so I prefer to take the sleep.

Oh bright, bright future.

Other news: I’m going to see Nigel Kennedy play at the Opera House. For the second time in three years. I’m becoming quite the connoisseur!


m said...

I like to get my body chemically relaxed. If you know what I mean.

Sprite said...

As a matter of fact, you can get beer shampoos, can't you?

Steph said...

Good for you! My sister got it done and hasn't looked back.
Funny thing, my hair was curly as a baby, after my first cut it went straight. My sister had dead straight hair until her first cut and then it went curly. Weird!

Sprite said...

It's all done, and I really like it. I still have to spend as much time styling it in the morning though. But it does seem to stay styled. I have to experiment with it a bit more to really get the hang of - it's like having a head of someone else's hair!