Wednesday 3 October 2007

A Visit from the PM

I’m exhausted already. It’s taken me two hours to get to work. I got into the city and realized I’d forgotten my security pass. So I had to go back home to get it. And it’s such a hot day!

It’s a good job I did go back for it. Today the PM is visiting our humble premises to schmooze with the execs and kiss babies that will doubtless be borrowed from the childcare centre. I had to check my bag when I arrived to make sure the man hadn’t secreted some remotely-detonating TNT in it. I mean, I know he loves me and all that but I’m not sure he would sacrifice me for The Cause.

There are some demonstrators out on the street outside my window. Everyone in the office came over to this side of the building to peer out at them. This big, rather uncouth guy said ‘they’ should put the water cannon on them and blow them all away. It’s funny how much anger there is against dissenters. I wonder if I’d feel the same way if people were protesting against a government I supported. I don’t think so. I mean, the demonstrators outside our office are pretty harmless looking people. And surely, anyone who supports John Howard does so on the basis of greed (‘it’s the Economy, stoopid’) rather than any actual principles, so it’s hard to understand why they get so irate at the opposition.

It doesn’t look like I’ll actually get to see the PM. We plebs have to watch the event broadcast internally on the TVs in the building. It’s a shame because I brought my camera. The Man wants me to do a humorous photo-story for our election party.

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