Saturday, 14 February 2009

The Deed is Done

Other Man and I are now over.

I told him last night. It was horrible. I thought I'd feel happy and relieved and lighthearted afterwards, but I didn't. I just felt cruel and regretful.

I believe I did the right thing, but I can't help wishing I could take it back, give him a big and make him feel better. He was so shocked and seemed kind of upset. Made me feel like a colossal jerk, and so sad. I didn't leave with a spring in my step like I'd expected, and I didn't feel empowered. I felt like I could cry.

I must stop dumping people. I think I should stop going out with men completely, for their own good!

It's like, when I'm going to break up with a man, I expect him to be quite accepting, maybe even turn the tables on me and say he'd actually been wanting to break up with me too. I never expect him to be unhappy about it. How horrid.

Anyway, I suppose I'm just being over-sensitive. Other Man doesn't really need a big hug - I do. I think just about any woman would do for him. He didn't really like me that much, just having someone for convenient sex.

Should be fun seeing him at work on Monday...


Sid said...

Wow. When I read the non de plume you'd chosen for him I assumed he was married. As yet I'm still unclear as to whether or not he is/isn't. Hmmm might have to read thru your entire blog to find out.

Sprite said...

God no, he's not married! He is 'Other Man', as opposed to 'The Man', who has also starred pretty heavily in this blog. There, saved you some time.

m said...

Poor thing. Breakups are never fun, even when they're necessary and the right thing to do. But it'll all work out in the end, that's what I always say!

Sprite said...

Thank you. It's much better now already. He's sort of being ignoring me at work, then e-mails to say sorry for ignoring me, he wants to be friends and we should get a coffee together soon. I'm ready when he is, but I'm not that bothered really. Freedom!