Monday, 19 February 2007

Big ships

Tomorrow morning the Queen Elizabeth II and the Queen Mary II make their way into Sydney Harbour. I’m pretty excited about it. I saw the QEII when it was at Circular Quay last year. It was gorgeous! I went down one evening with my digital camera and got some lovely pictures of it looking all sleek and classy and cosy. The QMII is much bigger so I’m preparing to be extra-impressed! I’ve bookmarked a web page that tells you all the awe-inspiring facts and I keep visiting it in order to maintain my excitement levels. For example: Just think! If it sailed up to the Harbour Bridge and you were standing on the bridge, you would be face to face with some of the passengers! Jeez that’s big!

The QMII is coming first. It enters the Harbour at around 6:30 a.m. Now, I could arrange to go to work very early and watch it, either from the bridge or from our amazing THIRTY-FIFTH FLOOR auditorium. It will be wonderful and exciting, I’m sure. On the other hand, is it worth getting up at 5:00? It’s quite clear to me what the answer to that question is so I’ll make do with going down to see it after work instead. There are going to be celebrations and fireworks. I must make sure I have my camera set to wide view. It’s great living in Sydney sometimes!

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