Thursday 12 July 2007

Microsaaft Courses

Does anyone else hate those online computer training things? You know, like Microsoft software guides. They normally have some incredibly annoying American voice doing the audio, and there’s just something about that voice that makes it so I can’t understand a word they’re saying. It’s like it’s spoken by a robot that doesn’t understand the content of what it’s reading, and that makes it doubly difficult for the listener. I say doubly, because the content is also incredibly boring. It also doesn’t help that they use the clumsiest, techy language. It’s so hard to stay awake through this perky voice (that always sounds like it’s just about to run out of spit) voicing list after list of instructions.

I’m currently doing my company’s online SMART training guide. Geez, it’s boring. I’m only tolerating it by doing it in 2-minute bursts, interspersed between checking people’s blogs for updates.

I am so bored.

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